With Klinke auf Cinch, live electronica becomes a musical happening.
Deep harmonic arrangements and clattering rhythm foundations created by
Clemens Kynast form up the center. Changing vocalists complete the
unique line up. The Klinke auf Cinch cosmos is a homogenous continuum,
created by curbed house sounds, accelerated Jazz, reduced pop and
fragmented hip hop. Musicians’ virtuosity meets cool artificial elegance.
Four companions of mastermind Clemens Kynast take care of the vocals.
Paula Akinside has already put her mark on the sounds of Klinke’s first
release “Palumar” of 2008. Now she’s singing on “tett”. Having shared
the microphone on “highs & hills” of 2012, Patrick Föllmer and
Martin Hansmann (Hansmann &Klausing) add their voices to “mini” and
“clsr”. “Keen” is being sung bei Arpen, who’s collaborated with Clemens
Kynast in an interdisciplinary art project. The result are four
cooperations at eye level, with the voices influencing the music and
vice versa.
Klinke auf Cinch
With Klinke auf Cinch, live electronica becomes a musical happening.
Deep harmonic arrangements and clattering rhythm foundations created by
Clemens Kynast form up the center. Changing vocalists complete the
unique line up. The Klinke auf Cinch cosmos is a homogenous continuum,
created by curbed house sounds, accelerated Jazz, reduced pop and
fragmented hip hop. Musicians’ virtuosity meets cool artificial elegance.
Four companions of mastermind Clemens Kynast take care of the vocals.
Paula Akinside has already put her mark on the sounds of Klinke’s first
release “Palumar” of 2008. Now she’s singing on “tett”. Having shared
the microphone on “highs & hills” of 2012, Patrick Föllmer and
Martin Hansmann (Hansmann &Klausing) add their voices to “mini” and
“clsr”. “Keen” is being sung bei Arpen, who’s collaborated with Clemens
Kynast in an interdisciplinary art project. The result are four
cooperations at eye level, with the voices influencing the music and
vice versa.
Klinke auf Cinch
David Bay